(A)   It is unlawful to trespass in or upon any private property and, without claim of right, refuse to depart therefrom on demand of the property manager or tenant.
   (B)   It is unlawful for a person who has been served with a trespass notice in conformity with this section to enter the premises described therein during its effective period without the written permission of the issuing property manager or tenant or the authorized agent thereof named in the notice.
   (C)   It is unlawful to enter any area of private property in violation of conspicuously posted signs prohibiting or restricting access thereto, including but not limited to the following signs: “No Trespassing,” “Authorized Personnel Only,” “Private,” “Employees Only,” or “Emergency Exit Only.”
('72 Code, § 912:15) (Ord. 1993-727, passed 7-12-93; Am. Ord. 2022-1281, passed 8-22-22) Penalty, see § 10.99