As a pre-requisite to the granting of a permit, or after a permit has been granted, the applicant or the owner of the premises must comply with the requirements of the following:
   (A)   Properly fence any pit or excavation to protect the safety of the public.
   (B)   Slope the banks, and otherwise guard and keep any pit or excavation in such condition as not to be dangerous because of sliding or caving banks.
   (C)   Properly drain, fill or level off any pit or excavation so as to make the same safe and healthful.
   (D)   Reimburse the city for the cost of periodic inspections by the City Engineer, or other city employee, for the purpose of seeing that the terms under which the permit has been issued are being complied with.
   (E)   The permit must include as a condition thereof a plan for a finished grade which will not adversely affect the surrounding land or the development of the site on which the excavating is being conducted, and the permitted route of trucks moving to and from the site.
   (F)   Post a surety bond, in such form and sum as the city may require, running to the city, conditioned to pay the city the cost and expense of repairing any highways, streets, or other public ways within the city made necessary by the special burden resulting from hauling and transporting thereon by the applicant in the removal of rock, sand, dirt, gravel, clay or other like material, the amount of such cost to be determined by the City Engineer; and conditioned further to comply with all the requirements of this subchapter and the particular permit, and to save the city free and harmless from any and all suits or claims for damages resulting from the negligent excavation, removal or storage of rock, sand, dirt, gravel, clay, or other like material within the city.
   (G)   And such other requirements as the City Engineer or Council from time to time deems proper and necessary for the protection of the citizens and the general welfare.
   (H)   Such permit must not be granted for a period of longer than 12 months, but may be renewed by the City Engineer.
('72 Code, § 340:20)