(A)   Capital improvement projects must be included in the adopted Long-Range Infrastructure Plan (Plan) in order to receive funding from the fund.
   (B)   A capital project that is to be funded by the Fund must be shown on the City's Five Year Capital Improvement Plan for a minimum of two successive years prior to being funded. Exceptions to this requirement may be made by the City Council in the following circumstances:
      (1)   The City Council may determine that an emergency project is needed immediately to protect and preserve the public health, safety, and general welfare, or
      (2)   Two-thirds of the City Council may after a public hearing determine that (i) no other funding source is available or (ii) that other funding sources for the project are more costly and the Heritage Infrastructure Fund resources are necessary to provide the most efficient method of funding the capital project.
      (3)   The Plan shall be updated at least every two years.
('72 Code, § 130:25) (Ord. 1991-685(A), passed 11-25-91; Am. Ord. 1999-901, passed 6-28-99)