(A)   Every person desiring a license for either “on” or “off” or for “Sunday” sales must file an application in the form to be prescribed by the State Department of Public Safety and with such additional information as the Council may require. The application for a “Sunday sale” license may be included with an application for an “on-sale” license.
   (B)   At the time of each original application for a license, the applicant must also pay a minimum investigating fee of $500 per person on the application and additional direct costs associated with the investigation will be billed to the applicant(s). The minimum investigating fee is not subject to refund. If the expenses of the investigation relating to any application exceed the minimum investigating fee, the city must notify the applicant of this fact and require the applicant to pay an additional investigating fee which the City Manager deems necessary to complete its investigation of the applicant. The applicant must pay such an additional investigating fee within five days of being so notified. If such additional investigating fee is not paid within such five-day period, the city shall discontinue consideration of the application.
   (C)   Each application must contain a provision on the application in bold print indicating that any withholding of information or the providing of false or misleading information will be grounds for denial or revocation of a liquor license. Any changes in the information provided on the application or provided during the investigation must be brought to the attention of the City Council by the applicant or licensee. If the changes take place during the investigation, the data must be provided to the Chief of Police or the City Manager in writing and they must report the changes to the City Council. Failure to report the changes by the applicant or the licensee may result in a denial or a revocation of a license.
   (D)   The Council, in its sole discretion and for any reasonable cause, may refuse to grant any license. Licenses will not be issued to a person who has any of the following:
      (1)   Is not a United States citizen;
      (2)   Has a felony conviction;
      (3)   Who has previous convictions in the past five years of illegal sales of alcohol or alcoholic beverages, including but not limited to sales to minors;
      (4)   Has not properly filed personal and/or business tax returns;
      (5)   Has had a liquor license from any city, county, or state revoked within five years of the pending license application.
('72 Code, § 805:10) (Am. Ord. 1972-122(A), passed 8-28-72; Am. Ord. 1981-371(A), passed 12-14-81; Am. Ord. 1990-664(A), passed 11-26-90; Am. Ord. 2012-1140, passed 4-16-12; Am. Ord. 2017-1223, passed 10-23-17)