(A)   Multi-family apartment, commercial, industrial, organization, and institutional users in all zoning districts. The following sections concern temporary signs in all zoning districts. The signs are regulated according to the requirements set forth below:
      (1)   Temporary banner signs in the form of durable, weather resistant banners, may be erected with a sign permit, provided:
         (a)   A temporary sign permit is necessary for all signs identified in this section.
         (b)   Minimum setbacks: All temporary signs in the form of banners and feather flags must be set back at least 10 feet from all property lines and may in no case be permitted within the 30 foot clear-view triangle at public or private streets or driveway intersections.
         (c)   The total area of all temporary signs in the form of banners must not exceed 200 square feet.
         (d)   Banners are allowed to be displayed on existing fences, accessory buildings, and principle building facades providing they meet the setback requirements.
         (e)   In a multi-tenant structure the banner must not exceed the width of the front of the space to be occupied or 200 square feet, whichever is less.
          (f)   Businesses possessing a valid and current temporary sign permit may display for that allotted time period (in addition to the permitted banner), up to three feather flags for advertising purposes. Feather flags must be less than or equal to 15 feet in height, displayed on the property where the permit holding business is located, may not impede vehicle or pedestrian traffic, and are not allowed to be displayed in a public right-of-way or other prohibited areas.
      (2)   Permit required. Each business concern or organization is allowed a maximum of three permits in a calendar year, except temporary non-profit organization events which are allowed an unlimited number of permits. Each permit for a banner will be for 30 consecutive days. Permit fee is set by the City Council. No temporary sign permit will be issued to any business, institution, or organization found guilty of violating the provisions of the temporary sign code more than once in a calendar year for the period of one year from the second occurrence.
         (a)   Exception - grand opening banner. A business must receive a one-time permit at no cost to place a "grand opening" banner for 60 consecutive days from the opening date. The banner must follow size and setbacks described in the section above. This permit will not count towards the three allotted annual permits.
      (3)   Window signs. Window sign area must not exceed 25% of the total area of the window(s) located on the wall face in which it is displayed. No permit is required for signs located on the inside of windows or for interior store displays.
      (4)   Itinerant produce sales signs. No permit is required for signs associated with a farmer’s market that has been approved in accordance with the zoning code. Signs can only be displayed the day and time of the sale. This sign limitation does not include small price signs, less than one-half square foot in size, located on or near the produce. The signs must be removed from the site at the end of each sale day.
      (5)   Pedestrian signs. Each business is allowed one pedestrian sign not to exceed 10 square feet on each of two sides displayed outside only during regular business hours. Pedestrian signs must be located within 20 feet of a customer entrance to the building in which the business is located, but must not block pedestrian walkways. Pedestrian signs must be located on the same parcel as the business and must not be located within the public right-of-way.
      (6)   Flashing or rotating signs prohibited. Flashing or rotating signs or lights are not permitted on temporary signs. However, search lights may be used on site for four days for the calendar year.
   (B)   All zoning districts. The following sections concern temporary campaign signs, temporary construction signs, temporary real estate signs, temporary non-profit organization event signs, and temporary residential garage and/or rummage sale signs in all zoning districts, and the signs are regulated according to the requirements set forth below:
      (1)   Temporary campaign signs. Temporary campaign signs posted by a candidate for public office or by a person or group promoting a political issue or a political candidate may be erected subject to the following:
         (a)   Signs must not exceed sizes authorized by state statute for state general elections.
         (b)   Pursuant to M.S. § 211B.045, campaign signs may be posted 46 days before the state primary in a state general election year until ten days following the state general election.
         (c)   Minimum setbacks: There is no setback requirement; however, these signs must not be erected on the public right-of-way, on public property or in the public street intersection 30 foot clear-view triangle.
         (d)   Maximum height of signs: No temporary campaign sign may exceed 12 feet above grade.
      (2)   Temporary construction sign. One temporary identification sign may be installed upon a construction site provided:
         (a)   Sign area must not exceed 100 square feet.
         (b)   Sign must be removed within two years after issuance of first building permit or upon issuance of a certificate of occupancy, whichever is sooner.
         (c)   Minimum setbacks: These signs must comply with setback requirements of subdivision (B)(1)(c) of this section. Signs must be erected only on the property where work is being done.
         (d)   Maximum height of signs: No temporary construc tion sign may exceed 12 feet above grade.
      (3)   Temporary real estate signs.
         (a)   Free-standing sign. A temporary free-standing sign may be erected provided:
            1.   Sign area must not exceed six square feet for residential property and 20 square feet for non-residential property.
            2.   Sign must be removed within seven days following the closing of a sale or lease of the property.
            3.   Minimum setbacks: There is no setback requirement; however, these signs must not be erected on the public right-of-way nor in the public street intersection 30 foot clear-view triangle. Sign must be erected only on the property being sold or leased.
            4.   Maximum height of signs: No temporary free standing real estate sign may exceed eight feet above grade.
            5.   Banners, streamers, pennants, balloons, directional signs, and the like, may be erected for two 21-day periods per year to coincide with the spring “Preview of Homes” and the fall “Parade of Homes.”
            6.   Temporary open house and/or directional signs: Temporary open house and/or directional signs may be placed in public view no earlier than 9:00 a.m. on the actual day of the open house and must be removed no later than 9:00 p.m. on the same day. Only one sign per intersection is allowed for each open house. Placement of open house directional signs should not block pedestrian or bicycle pathways or sidewalks. Signs must not be placed within the 30 foot clear view triangle at public street intersections. Open house directional signs may not be attached to federal, state, county or city sign posts. The signs may not be placed on center medians or street islands or within four feet of the roadway surface.
         (b)   Area identification sign on residential or non-residential project sites. A temporary area identification sign may be erected provided:
            1.   Sign area must not exceed 100 square feet.
            2.   Such sign must be removed when the project is 80% sold or leased.
            3.   Minimum setbacks: All temporary area identification signs must be set back at least 25 feet from all property lines. Sign must be erected only on the impacted property.
            4.   Maximum height of sign: No temporary real estate area identification sign may exceed eight feet above grade.
      (4)   Temporary commercial signs on residential property.
         (a)   Sign area must not exceed four square feet.
         (b)   Signs must be erected for no longer than four days and must be removed by the owner immediately following this time. Signs which remain in place for more than four days are deemed litter. The beginning and end date of sale, and address of the sale must be prominently displayed on every sign erected.
         (c)   Minimum setbacks: There is no setback requirement; however, these signs must not be erected in the public right-of-way, on public property, or in the public street intersection 30 foot clear-view triangle. Signs may be erected on private properties other than the property where the sale is conducted with the permission of the property owner.
         (d)   Maximum height of signs: No temporary commercial sign on residential property may exceed six feet above grade.
      (5)   Temporary non-profit organization signs.
         (a)   Signs must not exceed eight square feet per sign face.
         (b)   An unlimited number of signs are allowed per event, but must be located as follows:
            1.   No more than one sign per event may be located on a single parcel, and
            2.   No more than four signs per event may be located in a single street intersection.
         (c)   A map or list of addresses designating the specific sites of each sign must be kept by the applicant.
         (d)   Signs must not be posted in excess of 15 days prior to the event and must be removed no later than two days following the final date of the event. The promoting organization, location and date(s) of the event must be prominently placed on each sign.
         (e)   Minimum setbacks: There is no setback requirement; however, these signs must not be erected on the public right-of-way, on public property, or in the public street intersection 30 foot clear-view triangle.
         (f)   Maximum height of signs: A temporary non-profit organizational event sign must not exceed six feet in height above grade.
         (g)   A portable reader board must not be used off the premises from which the event is being held nor may this type of promotion precede or exceed the actual dates of the event. A portable reader board must not be used on public property. An on- site reader board must not exceed 32 square feet. These signs must be set back 15 feet from all property lines but not within the 30 foot clear-view triangle of entrances or public street intersections.
         (h)   A non-profit organization may display messages on the reader board of any lawful sign with the permission of the sign owner.
      (6)   Temporary roadside signs on agricultural property. Temporary roadside signs may be erected with a sign permit, provided:
         (a)   Signs are in compliance with this chapter of the City Code.
         (b)   Maximum size: Signs may not exceed 16 square feet in area per sign face. No more than three signs are allowed, per property, and only two of which may be permitted off the site of the agricultural property. For all off-site signs, written permission from the property owner of the proposed sign location shall be submitted with the sign application.
         (c)   Signs are allowed to be posted for a period of time not to exceed three months. The specific time period requested must be specified in the permit application.
         (d)   Minimum setbacks: There is no setback requirement; however, these signs may not be erected on the public right-of-way, on public property, or in the clear view triangle as defined in this chapter of the City Code.
         (e)   Maximum height of signs: No temporary roadside agricultural products advertisement sign may exceed eight feet in height above grade.
('72 Code, § 356.35) (Ord. 1988-602(A), passed 8-22-88; Am. Ord. 1990-657(A), passed 8-27-90; Am. Ord. 1992-694, passed 5-11-92; Am. Ord. 1997-848, passed 6-9-97; Am. Ord. 2000-933, passed 10-9-00; Am. Ord. 2000-935, passed 11-13-00; Am. Ord. 2004-1026, passed 12-13-04; Am. Ord. 2012-1147, passed 8-20-12; Am. Ord. 2012-1152, passed 10-22- 12; Am. Ord. 2014-1165, passed 2-3-14; Am. Ord. 2024-1304, passed 7-29-24) Penalty, see § 10.99