(A)   Notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary, no person shall engage in the business of micromobility sharing from city-maintained right-of-way or other city property without a valid license from the city. The business of micromobility in city parks is regulated by Chapter 95.
   (B)   Any micromobility vehicle that is part of a micromobility sharing service not authorized by a license under this section shall be considered an unpermitted micromobility vehicle. Any person in possession of an unpermitted micromobility vehicle may ride such micromobility vehicle into and through the city, subject to all applicable state and local laws and rules. All unpermitted micromobility vehicles must be attended by the same user at all times while on city-maintained right-of-way or other city property. "Attended" shall mean that a readily identifiable user is located within five feet of the micromobility vehicle or with the key in possession.
   (C)   Application. An application for a license must be made on a form provided by the city. The application must contain all information deemed necessary pursuant to this chapter. If the city determines that an application is incomplete, they will return the application to the applicant with notice of the information necessary to make the application complete.
   (D)   Issuance. All new licenses must be approved by the City Council.
   (E)   Term. All licenses issued under this chapter terminate on March 31 of the calendar year in which issued.
   (F)   Transfers. All licenses issued under this chapter are valid only for the person or business to whom the license was issued.
   (G)   Renewals. The renewal of a license may be approved by the City Manager or designated official provided that the licensee meets all of the requirements for renewal. If the renewal of a license is denied by the City Manager or designated official, the licensee has the right to appeal that decision to the City Council. The issuance of a license under this chapter is considered a privilege and not an absolute right of the applicant and does not entitle the holder to an automatic renewal of the license.
   (H)    The license fee shall be set by the annual fee schedule.
(Ord. 2021-1263, passed 5-10-21)