(A)   In all zoning districts in the city it is illegal to expand or create new parking areas in excess of 3000 square feet without first obtaining a permit from the City Planning Director, unless the parking area has been approved as part of a new or amended conditional use permit or has received approval as part of the building permit process.
   (B)   All plans for new or expanded parking areas in excess of 3000 square feet must be prepared by a licensed professional engineer and must adhere to all applicable provisions contained in the Zoning Code relative to off-street parking areas. A person must not begin work to construct such a parking area for which a permit is required without obtaining the permit and having paid the fees required herein. Fees collected for the permit are in accordance with a fee schedule established by the City Council by resolution set forth as an Appendix to this code.
('72 Code, § 315.75) (Ord. 1995-779, passed 4-24-95)