(A)   (1)   Effective on the first day of February, 1999 and on the first day of each calendar year thereafter for all water consumed in the first billing quarter by city water system users, water rates charged for each quarter year are established by the fee resolution, set forth in the Appendix to this code.
      (2)   These rates may be modified by the Council from time to time.
   (B)   (1)   All bills for water furnished and supplied by the city are payable quarterly.
      (2)   There is a late charge of 10% of the unpaid balance or a minimum of $1.00 for water billings not paid within 20 days after the billing date.
   (C)   At the end of each quarter from date of the notice or statement all bills not paid become delinquent. The City Council may make any such charges a lien against the property and certify unpaid charges to the County Auditor with taxes against the property served for collection as other taxes are collected, all pursuant to M.S. § 444.075, Subd. 3. If the delinquent charges are certified for collection with the property taxes, the city will add $50 to each delinquent account to cover the administrative costs incurred by the city in collecting the delinquent charges.
   (D)   In all cases where the water has been turned off for non-payment of water bills or for violation of any rules or regulations of the city, the water will not be again turned on unless and until the bills have been fully paid, all delinquencies removed and a charge in the amount established in the fee resolution set forth in the Appendix to this code, paid into the city for reinstating water service. The water service will be reinstated only during regular working hours. In addition, if payment is not received by the shut-off deadline for payments, a service charge will be imposed, in the amount established by the fee resolution as set forth in the Appendix to this code.
   (E)   Schedule of water maintenance and fire protection charges is as established by the fee resolution, set forth in the Appendix to this code.
('72 Code, § 515:00) (Am. Ord. 1993-748, passed 12-20-93; Am. Ord. 1995-779, passed 4-24-95; Am. Ord. 1996-818, passed 5-28-96; Am. Ord. 1998-890, passed 12-14-98; Am. Ord. 2007-1076, passed 8-20-07)