(A)   Connection charges. It is unlawful to make or cause to be made, any connection to the municipal water supply system unless the person has first paid any connection charges, charges for tapping municipal water supply system mains and the amount of the water usage deposit hereinafter specified, in amounts set by the City Council. No water will be turned on until all charges against the premises are paid.
   (B)   Special assessments. In addition, no permit will be issued to tap or connect with any municipal water supply system main, either directly or indirectly, from any lot or tract of land, unless:
      (1)   The property has been specially assessed for the cost of construction of the municipal water supply system with which the connection is made; or
      (2)   If no assessment has been levied for such construction costs, that proceedings for levying such assessment have been or will be commenced in due course; or
      (3)   That the cost of construction for the municipal water supply system has been paid by the developer or builder platting the lot or tract of land; this does not include lots or tracts of land served by the municipal water supply system and which were not a part of the plat or tract developed; or
      (4)   If no assessment has been levied, and no assessment proceedings will be completed in due course, and the developer or builder of the lot or tract has not paid the cost of improving the lot or tract of land, that a sum equal to the portion of the cost of constructing the municipal water supply system which would be assessable against the lot or tract of land has been paid to the City of Brooklyn Park.
   (C)   Tax forfeited land - special assessment and reassessment. When a parcel of tax forfeited land is returned to private ownership and the parcel is benefitted by the municipal water supply system or any other public improvement for which special assessments were canceled because of the forfeiture, the city may, upon notice and hearing as provided for the original assessment, make a reassessment or a new assessment as to the parcel in an amount equal to the amount remaining unpaid on the original assessment plus interest; or the city may impose fees or charges for the use or availability of the improvement or improvements or for connections therewith in an amount not to exceed the amount remaining unpaid on the canceled assessment.
   (D)   Special connection charge. If such assessments have not been paid, no such permit to tap or connect to any water municipal water supply system main will be issued, unless the applicant pays an additional connection fee which is equal to the portion of the cost of construction of the main which would be assessable against the lot or tract to be served by such tapping or connection. The assessable cost is to be determined by the City Engineer, upon the same basis per front foot or lot unit as any assessment previously levied against other property for the main, or, if no such assessment has been levied, upon the basis of the uniform charge per front foot or lot unit which may have been or which will be charged for similar connections with the main, determined on the basis of the total assessable cost of the main allocated on a frontage or lot unit basis.
('72 Code, § 678:00) (Ord. 1995-779, passed 4-24-95)