(A)   Charge imposed. There is imposed on each new building constructed within the city and to each existing building connecting to the municipal sewer system a sewer service availability charge. This charge is imposed to assist the city in meeting its obligations to the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services pursuant to M.S. Chapter 473C.
   (B)   Amount of charge. The sewer service availability charge established by Metropolitan Council Environmental Services is used as the basis for payments made to Metropolitan Council Environmental Services by the city.
   (C)   Credits against charge. The sewer service availability charge(s) may be reduced by the principal amount of any special assessment for interceptor sanitary sewers financed in whole or in part by Metropolitan Council Environmental Services, or their predecessors in authority, and levied against the parcel of record upon which the building to be charged for such service is or will be located. The city may reduce the charge by amounts previously levied and paid or still unpaid against the parcel. There must be no reduction in the sewer service availability charges levied against any parcel, for trunk, sub-trunk lateral or sewer service connection. If the interceptor assessment exceeds the amount of the sewer service availability charge, the city must not pay out or reduce assessments by the amounts.
   (D)   Administration. An applicant for a permit for a new building construction or for connection to the sewer system must pay the sewer service availability charge to the city together with other fees required for the issuance of a building permit or sewer connection permit. The Building Official may not issue a building or sewer connection permit unless the charge is paid.
('72 Code, § 510:30) (Am. Ord. 1973-136, passed 2-12-73; Am. Ord. 1995-779, passed 4-24-95; Am. Ord. 1998-890, passed 12-14- 98)