(A)   Rates and charges for use and service of the city sanitary sewer system are established. Such charges and rates to be made against each lot, parcel of land, unit or premises which may have connection directly or indirectly into the city sanitary sewer system and which discharges only normal sewage into such system.
   (B)   Effective on the first day of February 1999 and on the first day of each calendar year thereafter for all sewage produced in the billing quarter by city sanitary sewer system users, sanitary sewer charges for each quarter year are established by the resolution establishing fees and charges as set forth in the Appendix to this code.
   (C)   Basis of rates and charges.
      (1)   The residential rates established are to provide sanitary sewer charges based on a service charge plus a usage charge based on the amount of water metered during the winter quarter or actual use if less. Customers may at their written direction be allowed to use the water meter readings for each quarter as a basis for calculating usage.
      (2)   All metered residential units (residential means single-family, two-family, townhouses or any complex of housing units which have individual sewer and water connections for each unit) include a service charge per quarter plus the usage to the nearest measured unit times the usage charge rate. Non-metered residential units are charged a flat service charge per quarter.
       (3)   Multi-family, industrial, commercial and institutional charges are based on the water meter reading for each quarter.
      (4)   All metered commercial, multi-family, industrial and institutional units are the service charge per quarter times the meter equivalent plus the usage to the nearest measured unit times the usage charge rate. Non-metered multi-family, commercial, institutional and industrial units are charged the appropriate service charge per quarter based on the water meter size which would be needed if the property were to be connected to the municipal water system plus a reasonable estimate of the water consumed per quarter.
   (D)   Meters. The city will install water meters on non-metered residential properties at the request of the property owner, for a charge for sanitary sewer metering only, in an amount as established by the fee resolution set forth in the Appendix to this code.
   (E)   Surcharge for noncompliance. A surcharge in the amount established in the fee resolution set forth in the Appendix to this code is imposed on every sewer bill mailed on or after February 1, 1999, to property owners who are not in compliance with the regulations relating to clear water discharges outlined in these code sections or who have refused to allow their property to be inspected to determine if there is compliance. All properties found during reinspection to have violated these code sections are subject to the $100 per month penalty for all months between the two most recent inspections. The surcharge will be added every month until the property is in compliance. The surcharge will continue to be levied monthly on properties not complying with these code sections.
('72 Code, § 510:00) (Am. Ord. 1979-301(A), passed 10-9-79; Am. Ord. 1981-375(A), passed 12-14-81; Am. Ord. 1995-774, passed 4- 24-95; Am. Ord. 1998-890, passed 12-14-98)