(A)   Metering. A meter recording the use of water may be installed on any non-residential lot, parcel or premises and thereafter the rate must be based upon such use of water. The City Manager or the City Manager's designee may require and order the installation of such meter on any such lot, parcel or premises where it determines that flat charges are impractical to apply, or result in inequitable charges because insufficient or excessive; and thereafter the rate will be based upon such use of water.
   (B)   Meter installation. Any water meter installed for use or used as a basis for the computation of sewer rates must be installed and maintained in good operating condition at all times, such installation and maintenance to be without expense to the city. Any such meter must be of a type obtained from the city, and must accurately measure all water received on the premises. Installation of and maintenance of such meter must be made in accordance with plumbing regulations of this city.
   (C)   Extra meter supplying. If the lot, parcel of land, or premises discharge normal sewage or industrial waste into the sanitary sewerage system, either directly or indirectly, and it can be shown to the satisfaction of the Council that a portion of the water measured by the water meter does not and cannot enter the sanitary sewerage system, then, and in that event, the Council may permit or require the installation of other or additional meters in such manner that the quantity of water which actually could enter the sewer system may be determined. In such case the charges or rates will be based upon the amount of water which can enter the sanitary sewerage system.
('72 Code, §§ 615:48 - 615:54) (Am. Ord. 1995-774, passed 2-13- 95; Am. Ord. 1995-779, passed 4-24-95)