For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   APPROVED CONTAINER. A container authorized by the City Manager or the City Manager's designee for recycling use.
   COLLECTION. The aggregation of waste or recyclable materials from the place at which it is generated and includes all activities up to the time when delivered to a facility.
   COMPOSTABLE MATERIAL. Organic material consisting of grass clippings, leaves, soft-bodied plant materials and fruit and vegetable food scraps.
   FACILITY. Any materials recovery facility, transfer station, or similar facility to which recyclable materials are delivered for processing.
   GENERATION. The act or process of producing waste (as defined in M.S. § 115A.03, Subd. 11).
   GENERATOR. Any person who generates waste (as defined in M.S. § 115A.03, Subd. 12).
   HAULER. A collector or transporter of mixed municipal solid waste, recyclable materials, and/or yard waste.
   MIXED MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE (MSW). Shall have the meaning set forth in Minnesota Statutes and means garbage. Garbage, rubbish, refuse and other solid waste from residential, commercial, industrial and community activities which is generated and collected in aggregate, but does not include auto hulks, street sweepings, ash, construction debris, mining waste, sludges, tree and agricultural wastes, tires and other materials collected, processed and disposed of as separate waste streams. Also referred to as "trash" or "garbage."
   MULTI-FAMILY DWELLING. A building designed or intended for occupancy by three or more families or housekeeping units, with separate dwelling units designed one over another and connected by interior or exterior hallways and/or common entries.
   PERSON. Any human being, any municipality or other public agency, any public or private corporation, any partnership, any firm, association, or other organization, any receiver, trustee, assignee, agent or other legal representative of any of the foregoing or any other legal entity.
   RECYCLABLES. Shall have the meaning set forth in Minnesota Statutes and means materials that are separated from mixed municipal solid waste for the purpose of recycling or composting, including paper, glass, plastics, metals, and source-separated compostable materials and all material hereafter designated as recyclable by the city.
   RECYCLABLE MATERIALS RECOVERY FACILITY. A facility established and used for the receiving, storage, preparing and/or processing of recyclable materials for sale or reuse.
   RECYCLING. Shall have the definition in Minnesota Statutes, and shall mean the process of collecting and preparing recyclable materials and reusing the materials in their original form or using them in manufacturing processes that do not cause the destruction of recyclable materials in a manner that precludes further use.
   RECYCLING SERVICES. Recycling collection services, walkup collection services, and any other services provided to a dwelling unit in accordance with this code.
   RESIDENTIAL DWELLING. A building surrounded by open space containing one or two dwelling units as defined in § 152.008 of this code.
   SOURCE SEPARATION. The separation of recyclable materials and yard wastes from mixed municipal solid waste at the source of generation.
   SOURCE SEPARATED ORGANIC MATERIAL (SSO). Shall have the same meaning set forth in Minnesota Statutes and shall include food waste and other compostable organic materials that are source separated for recovery. The term "organics" does not include yard waste for purposes of this subchapter (also referred to as "food waste/organics" and "source separated organics.").
   WASTE TIRE. A pneumatic tire or solid tire for motor vehicles as defined in M.S. § 169.01 and included in a Solid Waste Management Plan pursuant to M.S. § 115A.46.
   YARD WASTE. Organic material consisting of garden wastes, leaves, lawn cuttings, weeds, shrubs, and tree waste and prunings.
('72 Code, § 437:00) (Ord. 1989-634(A), passed 9-25-89; Am. Ord. 2021-1262, passed 5-10-21)