(A)   Yard waste. Yard waste must be placed in containers that have a secure lid and do not exceed 96 gallons in capacity, or in bags or bundles not exceeding three feet in any dimension and not exceeding 60 pounds in weight and securely fastened to avoid spillage.
   (B)   Garbage, bulky waste, and hazardous waste. All garbage as accumulated on any premises must be placed and maintained in containers with a close-fitting cover, that is rodent- and fly-proof, nonabsorbent, and leak-proof. Bulky waste must not be visible from any street before 3:00 p.m. the day before the scheduled pickup day. The doors of appliances must be properly secured or removed to prevent potential health and safety hazards. It is prohibited by state statute to dispose of as solid waste items including household appliances, automotive batteries, covered electronic devices, motor oil, tires, or hazardous wastes.
   (C)   Hazardous waste must be disposed of by residents at a licensed and permitted household hazardous waste site or by businesses through a licensed hazardous waste disposal company.
   (D)   Contagious disease garbage. Garbage such as, but not limited to, bedding, wearing apparel, or utensils from residential dwelling units or other units where highly infectious or contagious diseases are present must not be deposited for regular collection but must be disposed of as directed by the Environmental Health Specialist or health officer at the expense of the owner or the possessor thereof.
   (E)   Maintain containers in sanitary condition. The owner, tenant, lessee, or occupant of the premises must keep such containers in a clean and sanitary condition and kept free from any substance which will attract or breed flies, mosquitos, or other insects. Containers not complying with the requirements of this chapter must be promptly replaced upon notice as set forth in division (G) below.
   (F)   Garbage containers. Garbage containers must be rodent- proof, fire resistant, and waterproof with tight-fitting covers and must be kept tightly covered when there is garbage therein.
   (G)   Defective containers. Whenever a container is in poor repair, is corroded or otherwise defective so as to permit insects, vermin or rodents to enter, or does not meet any other requirements of this chapter, the garbage hauler must repair or replace the container at their expense.
   (H)   Multiple family dwelling. Multiple family dwellings must be equipped with garbage containers and garbage pickup service as provided in this division. Garbage containers must be at least one cubic yard in capacity, must be conveniently located in relationship to the residence units for which they are provided, must be watertight and rodent-proof, and must be kept in an enclosed structure concealing them from public view. Garbage and bulky waste materials must be inside the containers not accumulated in or near the enclosing structures.
   (I)   Commercial - industrial property. The owner or occupant of any commercial or industrial establishment must also comply with the provisions of division (H) of this section.
('72 Code, § 435:15) (Am. Ord. 1980-330(A), passed 7-11-80; Am. Ord. 1989-633(A), passed 9-25-89; Am. Ord. 2008-1089, passed 6-23-08; Am. Ord. 2021-1262, passed 5-10-21) Penalty, see § 98.99