(A)   Duties. The City Tree Inspector shall administer the shade tree disease control programs for the city in accordance with the city code. Official duties include inspections, diagnosis, and the supervision of the removal of diseased or hazard trees.
   (B)   Interference with duties. It shall be unlawful for any person to prevent, delay, or interfere with the City Tree Inspector while engaging in his or her official duties.
   (C)   Entry upon private premises. The City Tree Inspector or his/her duly authorized agents may enter upon private property premises at any reasonable time for the purpose of carrying out any of the duties assigned under this section. The City Tree Inspector will attempt to make reasonable notice to the property owner before entry in accordance with M.S. § 89.63(B). If the City Tree Inspector determines that a tree is a public nuisance or constitutes an immediate threat to the public health or safety, the Inspector may proceed with abatement of the nuisance under § 97.55(B)4).
(Ord. 2002-973, passed 5-28-02; Am. Ord. 2014-1170, passed 5-27-14)