(A)   No person may place, or permit to be placed, on the ground or within four feet of the ground surface, any grain, fodder, salt licks, or any other food, including feed for birds, which may reasonably be expected to result in deer feeding, unless such items are screened or protected in a manner that prevents deer from feeding on them; except as follows:
      (1)   Feeding programs or efforts undertaken by the city in accordance with the deer management plan of the Department of Natural Resources;
      (2)   Veterinarians, city animal control officers, or county, state or federal game officials who, in the course of their duties, have deer in their custody; or
      (3)   Any food placed upon the property for the purpose of trapping or otherwise taking deer, where such are trapped or taken pursuant to a permit issued by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.
   (B)   No person shall hunt or otherwise engage in the hunting or removal of deer, unless such person is acting on the city's behalf and has obtained a special permit in conjunction with its Deer Management Program.
(Ord. 2001-954, passed 7-9-01)