§ 152.460 PURPOSE.
   (A)   The Town Center Zoning District is established to provide a flexible framework for the creation of high quality, comprehensively designed commercial and residential neighborhoods. The district establishes standards for exterior architecture and site design which are intended to contribute to the quality, visual aesthetics, permanence, stability of the community, and enhancement of the city's tax base. This district may be applied at intersections of arterial and collector streets, in either developing or redeveloping locations.
   (B)   Multiple types of development are encouraged, with developments designed to promote walking, bicycling and transit use. The placement of building edges and treatment of architecture, parking, landscaping, sidewalks, and public spaces are to be carefully planned in order to achieve the pedestrian oriented development envisioned for the district.
   (C)   All development shall conform to the Comprehensive Plan and the 1999 Northern Area Master Plan.
(Ord. 2001-949, passed 2-26-01; Am. Ord. 2014-1180, passed 9-2-14)