(A)   Purpose. The city deems it appropriate, reasonable and necessary to specify rules and regulations in order to provide for the recreational enjoyment of park areas and facilities; for the protection and preservation of park property, facilities and natural resources of the city; and for the safety and general welfare of the public.
   (B)   Definitions.
      AMUSEMENT CONTRAPTIONS. Any contrivance, device, gadget, machine or structure designed to test the skill or strength of the user or to provide the user with any sort of ride, lift, swing or fall experience including, but not limited to, ball-throwing contest device, pinball type devices, animal ride devices, dunk tank, ball and hammer device, trampoline devices and the like.
      AREA or AREAS. A specified place within a park.
      CITY. The City of Brooklyn Park, established pursuant to Minnesota Statutes.
      COUNCIL. Mayor and City Council of Brooklyn Park.
      DIRECTOR. Either the Director of Recreation and Parks or the Director of Operations and Maintenance.
      EMPLOYEE. Any city volunteer or full or part-time regular or temporary worker hired by the city.
      GLUE. Any substance that releases vapors and which is used by a person for the purpose of inducing symptoms of intoxication, elation, excitement, confusion, dizziness, paralysis, irrational behavior, or in any manner changing, distorting or disturbing the balance or coordination of a person's audio, visual, or mental processes.
      HIKING. Traveling on foot, i.e., walking, running or with an assistive mobility device.
      LASER. Any device which emits a coherent, monochromatic beam of light.
      MOBILITY DEVICE. Any device powered by batteries, fuel, or other engines used by an individual with mobility disabilities for the purpose of locomotion.
      MOTOR VEHICLE. Every device in, upon, or by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a roadway except devices moved by human power or used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks.
      MOTORIZED RECREATION VEHICLE. Any self-propelled, off-the-road or all-terrain vehicle including, but not limited to, snowmobile, mini-bike, amphibious vehicle, motorcycle, go- cart, trail bike, dune buggy or all-terrain cycle.
      NATURAL RESOURCES. All flora and fauna within the city and the physical factors upon which they depend, including air, water, soil and minerals.
      OFF LEASH DOG AREA. A public, city-designated area where a dog owner is permitted to allow a dog or dogs to socialize and exercise off leash, subject to the rules and regulations for such an area.
      PARK. Any land, water area, or trail corridor and all facilities thereon, under the jurisdiction, control or ownership of the city.
      PARK PATROL OFFICER. Any regular, temporary, or intermittent employee vested with the legal authority to enforce the City Ordinance.
      PERMIT/SPECIAL USE PERMIT. Written permission obtained from the city to carry out certain activities.
      PERSON or PERSONS. Individuals, firms, corporations, societies or any group or gathering whatsoever.
      PEST. Any plant, animal, or microorganism that is determined to be undesirable because it conflicts with park management objectives, creates an annoyance to park guests, or has the potential to create a health hazard.
      PESTICIDE. A chemical or biological substance intended to prevent or destroy a pest; and/or a substance to be used as a plant regulator, defoliant, or desiccant. Repellents are not considered pesticide.
      PET. A domestic animal that is accompanied by a person in the immediate vicinity of the animal.
      POLICE OFFICER. Those individuals that are licensed as Minnesota police officers by the Minnesota Post Board vested with the legal authority to enforce laws and ordinances.
      POLLUTANT. Any substance, solid, liquid or gas, which could cause contamination of air, land or water so as to create or cause a nuisance or render it unclean or noxious or unpure so as to be actually or potentially harmful or detrimental or injurious to public health, safety or welfare, or that of wildlife or vegetation.
      (1)   PHYSICAL POSSESSION. Having a controlled substance on one’s person with knowledge of the nature of the substance.
      (2)   CONSTRUCTIVE POSSESSION. Having once possessed a controlled substance or continuing to exercise dominion and control over the substance up to the time of arrest, or aiding and abetting another in possessing a controlled substance.
      PROPERTY. Any land, waters, facilities or possessions of the city.
      RESPONSIBLE PERSON. The parent, guardian, or person having lawful custody and control of a juvenile.
      ROLLERSKATER. Any person riding or propelling oneself by human power or gravity on wheeled devices that are worn on a person’s feet or stood upon by a person. Such devices specifically include, but are not limited to, rollerskates, in-line skates, rollerskis, skateboards and scooters.
      SERVICE ANIMAL. Any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability.
      WATERCRAFT. Any contrivance used or designed for navigation on water.
      WEAPON. All those weapons included under M.S. § 609.02, Subd. 6 but also includes spears, crossbows, bows and arrows, sling shots, paintball gun or any other dangerous weapon or projectile.
      WILDLIFE. Any living creature, not human, wild by nature, including, but not limited to, mammals, birds, fish, amphibians, insects, reptiles, crustaceans and mollusks.
(Ord. 2002-969, passed 5-13-02; Am. Ord. 2010-1114, passed 4-26-10; Am. Ord. 2022-1269, passed 1-10-22)