It is unlawful to throw, deposit or store litter on private or public property within the city.
   (A)   Duties of owners and occupants. The owner, lessee, or occupant of private property, whether occupied or vacant, must maintain the property free of litter.
   (B)   Authorized storage. Nothing in this section prohibits the storage of litter on private property in receptacles or containers which meet the requirements of the city code.
   (C)   Removal of litter; procedure; collection of costs.
      (1)   Notice; service. When there exists litter on private property, a notice to remove the litter will be served upon the owner, lessee or occupant thereof by the Health Authority. The notice must be served by certified mail, or by personal delivery. When the property is occupied, service upon the occupant is deemed service upon the owner; where the property is unoccupied or abandoned, service must be by mail to the last known owner of record of the property.
      (2)   Notice; contents. The notice required by subdivision (1) must state:
         (a)   The nature and location of the litter;
         (b)   That the litter must be removed or properly stored within ten days of service of the notice; and
         (c)   That if the litter is not so removed or stored, it will be removed by the city and the cost of such removal assessed against the property.
      (3)   Costs. The Health Authority must keep a record of all costs incurred by the city in the removal and disposition of litter pursuant to this section, including all administrative costs involved in the service of the notice required by this section, and must report to the City Clerk annually not later than August 1.
      (4)   Assessment. On or before September 1 of each year, the Clerk must list the total costs incurred by the city under this section against each separate lot or parcel to which they are attributable. The City Council must then spread the costs against each property as a special assessment for collection as other special assessments in the following year, all as authorized by M.S. Chapter 429.
('72 Code, § 1000:21) (Ord. 1989-627(A), passed 6-26-89) Penalty, see § 94.99