It is declared to be a public nuisance to permit, maintain, or harbor any of the following:
   (A)   Diseased animals, fish, or fowl, wild or domestic, whether confined or running at large.
   (B)   Carcasses of animals, fish, or fowl, wild or domestic, not buried at least three feet under the surface of the ground or destroyed within 24 hours after death.
   (C)   Garbage not stored in rodent free or fly-tight containers, or garbage stored so as to emit foul and disagreeable odors, or garbage stored so as to constitute a hazard to public health.
   (D)   Accumulations of refuse, yard waste, garbage, litter, abandoned property or hazardous waste as defined herein.
   (E)   The dumping of any effluent, garbage, refuse, yard waste, wastewater, or other noxious substance upon public or private property.
   (F)   Any open well, pit, excavation, structure, barrier or other obstruction which endangers public health, safety, or welfare.
   (G)   The pollution of any public or private well or cistern, any public stream, lake, canal, or body of water by effluent, garbage, yard waste, or other noxious substance.
   (H)   Any noxious weeds, or any other vegetation which endangers public health, safety, or welfare, or which is contraband within the meaning of state or federal laws.
   (I)   The emitting or production of dense smoke, foul odor, noise, noxious fumes, gases, soot, cinders, or sparks in quantities which unreasonably annoy, injure, or endanger the safety, health, morals, comfort, or repose of any number of members of the public.
   (J)   The public exposure of persons having a contagious disease or condition which endangers public health, safety, or welfare.
   (K)   Accumulation of junk, disused furniture, appliances, machinery, automobiles or parts thereof, or any matter which may become a harborage for rats, snakes, or vermin or which creates a visual blight, or which may be conducive to fire, or which endangers the comfort, repose, health, safety, or welfare of the public.
   (L)   It is unlawful to cause, permit, or maintain any abandoned cesspool or septic tank without its being properly filled.
   (M) Any abandoned, damages, defective, leaking, destroyed, unrepaired or unrestored underground liquid storage system.
('72 Code, § 1000:11) (Ord. 1989-627(A), passed 6-26-89; Am. Ord. 1993-741, passed 11-22-93; Am. Ord. 2021-1262, passed 5-10-21) Penalty, see § 94.99