(A)   All uses must comply with the General Performance Standards shown in this chapter, unless specifically approved and amended by the City Council in the development plan.
   (B)   Architectural Design. All commercial, industrial, and institutional structures in the PCDD District must include at least two of the following:
      (1)   Variety in building elevations. No wall may have an uninterrupted length exceeding 80 feet without two of the following: changes in plane, color, texture or material pattern; inclusion of windows; or equivalent elements that subdivides the wall.
      (2)   A minimum of 50% of each building facade must be brick or stone. This standard applies to all walls of a building, including walls proposed to be removed for future expansion.
      (3)   Pitched roofs, or in the case of flat roofs, variable roof heights.
(Ord. 2000-936; Am. Ord. 2002-977, passed 6-24-02; Am. Ord. 2003-997, passed 5-12-03)