(A)   Building construction and design may be used to create a structure with equally attractive sides, except for those instances specified in this section.
   (B)   Primary building entrances must be clearly defined to promote visual interest and architectural presence.
   (C)   Large, uninterrupted expanses of a single material are not permitted, unless the design is obviously superior to the intent of this chapter as determined by the City Manager.
   (D)   No wall that faces a public right-of-way, parks, the public view from adjacent properties or a residential use or district shall have an uninterrupted length exceeding 100 feet without including at least two of the following: change in plane, change in texture or masonry pattern, two class one materials, windows in a manner that is impactful to the design, or an equivalent element that subdivides the wall into human scale proportions.
   (E)   Any other building, such as the case with multiple buildings on a single parcel, accessory buildings, or parking structures, should be of compatible design and materials with emphasis on the position(s) of the building(s) to give visual interest.
   (F)   Additions for principal buildings constructed before the effective date of the chapter may be of similar materials and design as the principal structure.
(Ord. 2000-936; Am. Ord. 2016-1212, passed 11-14-16)