Only commercial fences and walls that meet the following specifications are permitted as accessory structures on any site in a business district.
   (A)   Prohibited structures Fences or walls that detain or inhibit the natural flow of surface water drainage to and from abutting properties are prohibited.
   (B)   Setbacks.
      (1)   Public right-of-way. Fences and walls more than 30 inches in height may not be constructed between the public right-of-way and the facade of the principal building.
      (2)   Interior side or rear. No setback.
   (C)   Access required.  
      (1)   Where any fence connects to a building at least one gate with a minimum width of two feet, six inches is required to allow access around the building.
      (2)   Fences and gates controlling access to the property must be approved by the City Manager before a building permit may be issued or approval is given through another process.
   (D)   Height. No fence may exceed eight feet, six inches as measured from the top of the fence or supports to grade. Exceptions to this height may be made for fences enclosing tennis courts and other similar recreational uses with the approval of the City Manager.
(Ord. 2000-936; Am. Ord. 2003-997, passed 5-12-03)