Each lot may have, at a minimum, the percentage open space shown in the following table. These areas may not be covered by a building or other impervious surface, and must be landscaped with sod, gardens, natural areas, landscape rock or mulch, trees and shrubs, or similar landscaping materials. Areas used for demonstrated parking can not be used to fulfill the open space requirement.
Figure 152.273.01 Minimum Required Open Space 
Single and Two-Family Dwellings
Townhouse Developments
(May be placed in private lots or in common areas)
Multiple Family Dwellings and Non-Residential Uses in Residential Districts
Minimum Open Space
25% total, to include a minimum of 50% of front yard
Parking Areas
Not Applicable
10% of interior parking lot area.
This area counts towards total green area of the site.
(Ord. 2000-936; Am. Ord. 2003-1008, passed 11-3-03)