Religious institutions are permitted in various districts as outlined in §§ 152.242 and 152.342, but the restrictions on it may differ based on the district in which the religious institution is proposed. Architectural materials allowed for religious institutions shall follow the regulations for Business Districts (see § 152.392).
   (A)   Green space/landscaped area in residential districts. No more than 60% of the site may be covered by impervious surface. The remaining 40% must be landscaped or sodded. Tree and shrub quantities shall be calculated using the B1 requirements of § 152.374(A)(2) for all religious institutions located within a residential zoning district.
   (B)   Residential districts. Religious institutions may only be located on sites located directly at the intersections of two collector streets or along an arterial street as designated in the Comprehensive Plan.
   (C)   Business districts. In the B-3 Zoning District, religious institutions are only allowed as one tenant in a multi-tenant building, up to 49% of the building, located on a single tax parcel. All tenants must have separate, independent accesses through a public corridor or directly from outside. All building code requirements must be met.
   (D)   An office for a religious institution is considered an office use provided no worship services, events, or the like are conducted on site.
   (E)   Religious institutions with additional uses operating concurrently with a worship service must be figured into parking requirements.
   (F)   Parking shall meet the requirements of § 152.142.
   (G)   All religious institutions are subject to Site Plan Review requirements of § 152.033.
   (H)   Religious institutions may conduct worship and educational programs as permitted accessory uses in public schools in all zoning districts outside of normal school instructional hours. Formal Site Plan Review as described in § 152.033(D)(1) is not required.
   (I)   Religious institutions in residential zones are allowed to operate a farmer's market as described in § 152.362(G) by obtaining a conditional use permit.
(Ord. 2000-936; Am. Ord. 2001-952, passed 5-14-01; Am. Ord. 2007-1070, passed 3-26-07; Am. Ord. 2012-1150, passed 10-15-12; Am. Ord. 2013-1155, passed 3-25-13)