§ 152.144 DRIVEWAYS.
   (A)   All driveways installed on or after November 10, 1989 must be paved with a continuous impervious surface or an approved pervious surface, with the exception of farms, homes, and interim or temporary uses in the R-1 Urban Reserve District. If a driveway that was installed before November 10, 1989 is expanded or enlarged by 20% or more in surface area from the size that existed as of that date, the entire driveway must be paved with a continuous impervious surface or an approved pervious surface. All driveways, regardless of when installed, must be maintained in compliance with Chapter 106 of this code.
   (B)   No vehicle can be parked so that it blocks a public sidewalk, trail, emergency access way, or a public or private fire hydrant.
   (C)   All residential driveways must be no wider than 30 feet at the property line.
   (D)   No residential property may have driveway access to more than one street.
(Ord. 2000-936; Am. Ord. 2004-1012, passed 5-3-04; Am. Ord. 2005-1032, passed 2-7-05; Am. Ord. 2010-1113, passed 4-5-10)