To the extent that the provisions contained in this section are consistent and not in conflict with Ohio R.C. Chapter 5321, the following shall apply: No landlord shall unreasonably interfere with the installation of cable television facilities upon his or her property or premises requested by a lawful tenant, except that a landlord may require:
   (a)   That the installation of cable television facilities conform to such reasonable conditions as are necessary to protect the safety, functioning and appearance of the premises, and the convenience and well-being of other tenants;
   (b)   That the grantee or the tenant or a combination thereof bear the entire cost of the installation, operation or removal of such facilities; and
   (c)   That the grantee and the tenant agree to indemnify the landlord for any damage caused by the installation, operation or removal of such facilities.
(Ord. 16-80. Passed 5-20-80.)