(a)   Effective February 3, 2004, the Village will provide ambulance emergency squad service in exchange for an assignment of the insurance company and/or medicare or medicaid proceeds available to the user and will accept as payment the following amounts for the services provided:
      (1)   For Basic Life Support services without transport, there shall be no fee.
      (2)   For Basic Life Support services with transport, the fee shall be four hundred fifty dollars ($450.00) plus ten dollars ($10.00) per mile.
      (3)   For Advanced Life Support services without transport, there shall be no fee.
      (4)   For Advanced Life Support services with transport, the fee shall be five hundred fifty dollars ($550.00) plus ten dollars ($10.00) per mile.
   (b)   The Mayor and the Clerk/Treasurer are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with the Great Lakes Billing Associates, Inc., a full service billing company, for the purpose of collecting insurance proceeds as set forth in division (a) of this section.
(1974 Code § 32.07) (Ord. 11-2004. Passed 2-3-04; Ord. 22-2009. Passed 3-17-09.)