It is hereby found and declared that there exist in the Village structures used for residential and nonresidential uses which are, or may become in the future, substandard with respect to the structure and maintenance thereof, or, further, that conditions, including, but not limited to, structural deterioration, lack of maintenance, the appearance of the exterior of the premises, the existence of fire hazards and unsanitary conditions, constitute a menace to the health, safety, welfare and reasonable comfort of the residents and inhabitants of the Village. It is further found and declared that, by reason of lack of maintenance and progressive deterioration, certain properties have the further effect of creating blighting conditions and initiating slums, and that if the same are not curtailed and removed, the aforesaid conditions will grow and spread and will necessitate, in time, the expenditure of large amounts of public funds to correct and eliminate the same. By reason of timely regulations and restrictions as herein contained, the growth of slums and blight may be prevented and the immediate neighborhood and property values thereby maintained, the desirability and amenities of residential and nonresidential uses and immediate neighborhoods enhanced and the public health, safety and welfare protected and fostered.
(Ord. 6-96. Passed 1-6-96.)