(a) As a condition precedent to the issuance of a building permit within the Village:
(1) All new construction applications shall be filed with the Building Inspector, who shall:
A. Refer the plans to the Engineer and the Architect and obtain reports therefrom as to the compatibility of the proposed building with the existing area and buildings; and
B. Schedule a review of the application with the Planning Commission, with copies of the reports from the Engineer and the Architect attached, along with such other information as may be pertinent to the application.
The Planning Commission shall consider the oral presentation by the applicant at the scheduled meeting, together with the information set forth in paragraphs (1)A. and (1)B. hereof, as well as any other pertinent facts, prior to passing on the application. Favorable action by the Planning Commission, together with any conditions or stipulations by a majority vote of the Planning Commission, shall be necessary prior to issuance of a permit by the Building Inspector.
After approval of the Planning Commission and the Building Inspector, the plans shall be sent to the Plans Examiner.
(2) Together with the application, the following fees shall be submitted:
A. Construction of new residential one, two or three-family residences $ 50.00
B. A deposit for Architect's fees, at the Architect's prevailing rate, for construction of new retail, commercial or industrial buildings. Any unused portion will be refunded to the applicant. Any additional costs will be billed to the applicant. 200.00
This account must be settled and any balance due must be paid as a condition precedent to the issuance of a building permit.
(3) For purposes of this section, new construction shall not include remodeling or additions to one, two or three-family residences.
(1974 Code § 155.011(A))
(b) As a condition precedent to the issuance of a building permit within the Village, in a development of ten acres or more, where such land is zoned Limited Industrial or Commercial, the application process must include evidence of compliance with the following essential requirements:
(1) A master grading plan approved by Council.
(2) Environmental easements for open areas specifying the location and size of such areas approved by Council.
(3) The location and type of buildings on an overall master plan approved by Council.
(4) A traffic pattern for the subject area approved by Council.
(5) A plan for sanitary sewage and storm drainage facilities approved by Council.
(Ord. 57-87. Passed 9-15-87.)
(c) The Building Inspector shall not approve any application for a permit to erect, construct, alter or enlarge any detached one-family dwelling in any residential area in the Village which shall be like or substantially like any neighboring dwelling then in existence or for which a building permit has been issued, or which is included in the same building permit application, in more than three of the following seven respects:
(1) The height of the main roof ridge or the highest point of the roof beams above the elevation of the first floor;
(2) The height of the main roof ridge above the top of the plate;
(3) The length of the main roof ridge;
(4) The width between outside walls at the ends of the dwelling, measured under the main roof at right angles to the length thereof;
(5) The relative location of windows in the front elevation and in each of both side elevations, with respect to each other and with respect to any door, chimney, porch or attached garage in the same elevation;
(6) The relative location of any attached garage, porch or gable, if any, in the front elevation, with respect to each other and the remainder of the dwelling; and
(7) Building materials and color to be used in and on the exterior surface of the dwelling.
(d) Dwellings shall be deemed to be like each other in any dimension with respect to which the difference between them is not more than two feet. Dwellings between which the only difference in relative location of elements is an end-to-end or side-to-side reversal of such elements shall be deemed to be like each other in relative location of such elements.
(e) A permit to erect, construct, alter or enlarge any dwelling in a Residential District shall not be issued by the Building Inspector if the Architect determines that the architectural design of said dwelling is similar to any other dwelling within three lots adjacent to the subject dwelling or one directly across the street and the dwellings on either side of it.
(f) All plans for a new or remodeled residential structure, as required by the Building Inspector prior to the issuance of a building permit, shall also include the following information:
(1) A copy of the subdivision plat indicating the sublot upon which a building permit is being applied for and adjacent sublots on the same side and across the street from the subject sublot; and
(2) Photographs of existing dwellings within three adjacent lots and directly across the street and the dwellings on either side of it, from the lot upon which an application for a building permit is being filed.
(1974 Code § 155.011(C))