(a)   The Planning Commission shall evaluate the General Plan and issue a written report to Council containing in its report and recommendation with respect thereto. The developer shall provide to the Planning Commission the following:
      (1)   An engineer's survey of the property, including topography, and indicating the ownership and acreage of the area proposed for development;
      (2)   A professionally prepared traffic study assessing the traffic impact of the proposed development on the subject site and surrounding street systems;
      (3)   A professionally prepared noise study assessing any noise impact on surrounding properties.
   (b)   The Planning Commission shall include the above survey and studies in their evaluation and recommendations of the General Plan to Council.
   (c)   If the Planning Commission finds that the General Plan and supporting data are in accordance with the provision and intent of this chapter and other applicable provision of this Zoning Code and other ordinances of the Village, it shall approve the General Plan and recommend to the Council that the specific property set forth in such plan be developed for Planned Development Interchange Commercial Overlay District. If the recommendation to Council is that the General Plan be modified or disapproved, the report to Council shall state the findings of any failure of compliance with this chapter, other provisions of this Zoning Code or other ordinances of the Village and the reasons for such modification or disapproval.
(Ord. 4-2008. Passed 2-5-08.)