(a)   The Planned Development Interchange Commercial Overlay District can only be applied and used for the development of real property located at or near adjacent to Interstate Highway 480 as shown on Annex 1 attached hereto and made a part hereof.
   (b)   Planning criteria specific to each requested Planned Development Interchange Commercial Overlay District including but not limited to building and parking setbacks, maximum building area, minimum unencumbered yard area, building height, parking and loading, and sign regulations shall be consistent with those as contained in the zoning district for each proposed use, except as provided in subsection (c) below, unless specifically otherwise recommended as a deviation by the Planning Commission and approved by Village Council.
   (c)   Unless specifically otherwise recommended by the Planning Commission and approved by the Village Council, a development within a Planned Development Interchange Commercial Overlay District shall comply with the following requirements:
      (1)   A single retail business use shall not occupy more that 50,000 square feet of ground floor area;
      (2)   The building size, parking and lot area for any full service restaurant shall be established by the Village Council, acting in its administrative capacity;
      (3)   Retail business use or uses shall not comprise more than 50% of the total building floor areas of any single development plan;
      (4)   A single overlay development area shall not be less than two contiguous acres; and
      (5)   A wall of seven to ten feet, constructed using materials approved by the Village Council, acting in its administrative capacity shall be required along any portion of the proposed development and any abutting residential zoned properties or existing residences.
      (6)   Subject to all other state and Village legal requirements, the sale of liquor or alcoholic beverages shall be permitted within restaurants and other retail establishments within the Planned Development Interstate Commercial Overlay District if and as shown on an approved General Plan. The sale of liquor and other alcoholic beverages is prohibited in all zoning districts, except the Planned Development Interstate Commercial Overlay District.
(Ord. 4-2008. Passed 2-5-08.)