(a) The Village has some areas of undeveloped land and areas of possible future re-development of land adjacent to Interstate Route 480 or the interchange of Granger Road and I-480. Development of these lands may require special consideration due to the impact of the interstate highway, type of the development proposed, or the size of the area to be developed. The Planned Development Interchange Commercial Overlay District is hereby established to achieve among others, the following objectives:
(1) To insure compatibility with surrounding development;
(2) To provide for an acceptable transition between commercial and residential land areas; and
(3) To provide for a compatible mixed-use development.
(b) The Planned Development Interchange Commercial Overlay District may assist in accomplishing these objectives by change of zoning. The Planning Commission and Village Council shall designate, regulate and restrict the location, design and use of buildings, structures and interior streets; promote high standards of external appearance of buildings and grounds; establish a development pattern which preserves and utilizes natural topography, scenic vistas, trees and other vegetation and prevents disruption of natural drainage patterns and minimize disruptions to flow of traffic on adjacent thoroughfares.
(c) The Planned Development Interchange Commercial Overlay District shall provide the Village and the developer a method of comprehensively planned development for certain lands that could not readily be accomplished through the planning criteria established for other zoning districts.
(Ord. 4-2008. Passed 2-5-08.)