(a) The Clerk/Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to deposit and credit to the General Fund all monies received from estate for inheritance taxes.
(Ord. 68-2008. Passed 10-7-08.)
(b) The Clerk/Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to deposit and credit to the General Fund all interest received from and as a result of the investment of various Village funds, except where such policy conflicts with the laws of the State of Ohio.
(Ord. 41-84. Passed 5-5-84.)
(c) Whenever there are moneys in the Treasury of the Village which will not be required to be used by the Village for a period of six months or more, such moneys may, in lieu of being deposited in a bank or banks, be invested by the Clerk/Treasurer in obligations of the Village, or in such other bonds or obligations as are or may be specified in Ohio R.C. 731.56, as amended. Such investments shall be made in the manner and pursuant to the provisions of Ohio R.C. 731.56 to 731.59.
(Ord. 38-88. Passed 6-7-88.)