A person within the city who has been issued and possesses a lawful registry identification card as a qualifying patient as set forth in M.C.L.A. §§ 333.26421 et seq. shall comply with the following requirements.
   (A)   Consumption of marijuana shall not occur in any public place.
   (B)   Manufacturing and storage of medical marijuana by a qualifying patient shall only occur at the residence of the qualifying patient or other location permitted by this chapter and shall only be allowed inside of an enclosed, locked facility which shall be a closet, room or other closed area equipped with locks or other security devices that permit access only by a registered primary care giver or registered qualifying patient. The facility shall be under the exclusive control of the qualifying patient through written lease, contract or deed.
   (C)   A qualifying patient may also possess on his or her person and under the qualifying patient’s exclusive control an amount of medical marijuana deemed medically necessary to alleviate the condition that gave rise to the qualifying patient’s registration with the Department of Public Health.
   (D)   If a qualifying patient intends to manufacture and store medical marijuana at a location other than his or her primary residence, the same shall only occur at a location within an Industrial Zone as defined by the Zoning Ordinances of the city after first obtaining a special land use permit from the city and shall not be within 1,000 feet of a:
      (1)   Drug-free school zone;
      (2)   Church;
      (3)   Child care facility; or
      (4)   Residence or district zoned for residential use.
   (E)   Manufacturing and storage of medical marijuana by a qualifying patient shall occur in one enclosed, locked facility so that manufacturing and storage does not occur in multiple locations.
   (F)   Should a qualifying patient wish to dispose of any unused medical marijuana, any incidental amount of seeds, stalks and unusable roots, the material shall be removed by a commercial drug disposal carrier registered with the United States Drug Enforcement Administration and/or the state for proper disposal in a manner prescribed by law and regulation. Under no circumstance shall a qualifying patient dispose of any unused medical marijuana, any incidental amount of seeds, stalks and unusable roots through a regular garbage receptacle or burning pit, barrel or container.
(Ord. 175, passed 5-9-2011)