(A)   Prior to the installation of a service connection, a prospective customer must file a permit application for the service connection on an application form to be supplied by the city. The application must be accompanied by payment in full of the connection charge and other charges or deposits required by this chapter.
   (B)   Service connections shall be installed only by the city or its authorized representative and only after approval of the permit application by the city.
   (C)   All service lines shall be installed in an approved manner by a licensed plumber at the customer’s expense. The plumbing system in or on the premises in connection therewith must conform in character, design and quality to the law of the state and the State Plumbing Code.
   (D)   All service connections and service lines shall be of Type “K” copper of size and quality. All underground fittings and connections shall be approved. No service connection of less than three-fourths-inch diameter will be permitted. Service connection of larger size shall be determined and approved by the city.
   (E)   All service connections and service lines must be laid on solid ground not less than six feet below finished grade. The installation must be inspected by the city or its authorized representative. A distance of ten feet from all sewer or septic lines must be maintained.
   (F)   No service connection shall be installed where the service line is in line with a driveway, tree, fire hydrant, catch basin or other obstruction.
   (G)   No person shall obstruct or interfere in any way with any service connection or other appurtenance of the system, including meters, by placing in, on or about the service connection , meter or other appurtenance, building materials, rubbish, soil, shrubbery, flowers or otherwise hindering the easy and free access thereto.
   (H)   Service lines shall be protected from damage of every nature and needed repairs shall be made by the customer when notified by the city. The expense of repairing or thawing the service line, if frozen, shall be borne by the customer. The service line, as repaired or thawed, shall not be covered until inspected and approved by the city or its authorized representatives.
   (I)   The city may discontinue service if a customer fails to maintain the service line in a leak-free condition or if the customer make an unauthorized plumbing connection which bypasses the meter.
   (J)   A single service connection shall not serve more than one premises unless approved by the city, even though the ownership of the adjacent premises may the same; provided, however, that where a duplex or multiple family dwelling is served by a single service connection, each living unit shall be metered separately and additional service connections shall not be necessary.
   (K)   All service connections and service lines installed prior to the adoption of this chapter shall conform to the standards set forth in this section and shall be subject to inspection by the city or its authorized representative. Any replacement or improvement cost necessary to bring the service connection and service line into conformity with this section shall be borne by the customer.
   (L)   All excavation for service connection installation shall be adequately guarded with barricades and lights so as to protect the public from hazard. Streets, sidewalks, parkways and other public property disturbed in the course of the work shall be restored in a manner satisfactory to the city at the customers expense.
(Ord. 128, passed 12-20-1984)