(A)   Installation required. All owners of residential construction, remodeled construction or commercial dwelling units, or upon the sale of any residential unit designated for residential occupancy within the city limits of the city shall install fire/smoke detectors in each unit on or before July 1,1987.
   (B)   Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      DWELLING.  A single or multi-family unit including single-family, multi-family, guest house, lodging house, boarding house, suite or single room of a hotel or motel providing living facilities for one or more persons, including permanent or temporary provisions for living, sleeping, cooking, eating and sanitation.
         (a)   Any unit, device or combination of devices and equipment approved by and bearing the seal of a national testing laboratory capable of sensing visible or invisible particles of combustion and providing a suitable alarm directly wired into the building’s electrical power supply and not controlled by a switch other than the main power supply.
         (b)   Any unit, device or combination of devices and equipment approved by and bearing the seal of a national testing laboratory capable of sensing visible or invisible particles of combustion and providing a suitable alarm which can be plugged into and will operate from a wall plug; provided that the plug is fitted with a plug restraining device and provided that the wall outlet power supply is not controlled by a switch other than the main power supply.
         (c)   Any unit, device or combination of devices and equipment approved by and bearing the seal of a national testing laboratory capable of sensing visible or invisible particles of combustion and providing a suitable alarm that is operated by batteries, provided that the batteries are mounted to assure that the following conditions are met:
            1.   All power requirements are met for at least one year’s life, including weekly testing;
            2.   Distinctive, audible trouble signal is given before the battery is incapable of operating (due to aging, terminal corrosion and the like) a device(s) for alarm purposes;
            3.   For a unit employing a lock-in alarm feature, automatic transfer is provided from alarm to trouble condition;
            4.   The unit is capable of producing an alarm signal for at least four minutes at the battery voltage at which a trouble signal is normally obtained, followed by seven days of trouble signal protection;
            5.   The audible trouble signal is produced at least once every minute for seven consecutive days; and
            6.   The monitored batteries meeting these specifications are clearly identified on the unit near the battery compartment.
      OWNER.  Any person who alone, jointly or severally with another shall have legal title to any building, structure or premises with or without accompanying actual possession thereof, and shall include the building’s authorized agent or attorney, purchaser, devisee, fiduciary or any other person having a vested or contingent interest in the property.
      RESIDENTIAL OCCUPANCY.  The use of a building or structure as a permanent or temporary dwelling.
      SLEEPING AREA.  An area or area of dwelling unit in which bedrooms (sleeping rooms) are located. Bedrooms or rooms used for sleeping which are separated by other rooms (kitchen, living room, bathroom) shall be considered as a separate SLEEPING AREA for the purpose of this section.
   (C)   Installation for protection of sleeping areas.
      (1)   At least one smoke detector shall be installed in or immediately adjacent to each sleeping area.
      (2)   At least one smoke detector shall be installed at the head (top) of each stairway leading to an occupied area in a manner so as to assure that rising smoke is not obstructed in reaching the detector and that the detector intercepts rising smoke before it reached the sleeping area.
   (D)   Inspection.
      (1)   Immediately following the effective date, all specified residences will be inspected.
      (2)   All new or remodeled construction will be inspected prior to occupancy.
(Ord. 134, passed 8-11-1986)  Penalty, see § 150.99