(A)   Junk Vehicles.
      (1)   No person shall store or permit to be stored on any lot a motor vehicle which is dismantled, extensively damaged, inoperative or unlicensed, for a period of more than ten days, unless it is kept in a completely enclosed, authorized building or garage.
      (2)   When a vehicle is stored contrary to this section, the Chief of Police or his or her designee is authorized to serve notice upon the property owner to remove such vehicle within fourteen days from the time of service of such notice, and no person who has been notified to remove a vehicle shall fail to do so before the expiration of the fourteen-day period.
      (3)   The Police Department is hereby authorized to impound a motor vehicle which is being stored contrary to this section upon written request of the property owner to do so. The procedures for impounding set forth in § 404.05 of the Traffic Code shall be followed.
   (B)   Heavy Equipment or Machinery.
      (1)   No person shall store or accumulate, or permit, contribute to or suffer another person to store or accumulate any derrick, pile driving or road building equipment, sewer or ditch digging equipment or machinery, equipment for house-moving or dredging, or any other heavy machinery, equipment or material of a similar nature, on any property within the city, except in that portion of the city which has been classified by the Zoning Code of the city for light industrial uses and purposes. However, nothing herein contained shall prohibit a person engaged in the buying and selling of such equipment, machinery, materials or other articles or products as aforesaid from storing on the premises where the business is regularly conducted such articles or products as they regularly deal in if the same are properly housed and hidden from view from neighbors or people upon the public ways.
      (2)   Nothing herein contained shall prohibit the storing of any equipment or material being used in any construction work on the premises where such construction work is being done, for the period in which the particular project is under construction, provided, however, that nothing contained herein shall be deemed to enlarge upon or permit any use for any property within the city other than those already provided by the Zoning Code and Map of the city.
(Ord. 27-79, passed 3-19-1979; Ord. 24-86, passed 2-18-1986)