   1336.01   Protection of curbs, treelawns, sidewalks, drainage ditches and culverts
   1336.02   Permanent driveways
   1336.99   Penalty
Cross references:
   Driveway construction specifications, see Chapter 1023 
   Driving upon sidewalks, tree lawns or curbs, see § 432.22 
   Right-of-way at private driveway, alley or building, see § 432.20 
   Roadway ditch lines, see Chapter 1322
   Sidewalk obstructions; damage or injury, see § 660.10 
Editor’s note:
   This Chapter 1336 was formerly Chapter 1484 of the Building and Housing Code, which was recodified by Ordinance 62-07, passed June 4, 2007.
    Before proceeding with the construction, enlargement, alteration, repair or removal of any building or other structure, when it is desired or may be necessary to make use of, or to drive across, a curb, treelawn, sidewalk, drainage ditch or culvert, the owner shall construct and maintain a plank driveway, to the approval of the Building Commissioner, across and over the curb, treelawn, sidewalk, drainage ditch or culvert, so that they shall not be injured or damaged, and shall install upon the property upon which a building is being constructed, repaired, altered or moved, a temporary driveway of gravel, slag or other material sufficient to carry construction or material vehicles and sufficient to prevent the accumulation of mud on the wheels of such vehicles.
(Ord. 24-71, passed 3-10-1971; Ord. 150-02, passed 9-16-2002)
   All new main use structures shall have concrete (unless another paving material is approved by Council) driveways with the following minimum specifications:
   (A)   Level with surface grade of intersecting sidewalks;
   (B)   Five and one-half-bag mix at 94 pounds per bag of portland cement;
   (C)   Air entrainment of 5% to 7% at time of pour;
   (D)   Shall contain no more water than will permit a slump between four and six inches;
   (E)   Shall have the following uniform thickness in a private driveway:
      (1)   Four inches with mesh or six inches without mesh; and
      (2)   Six inches in driveway apron.
   (F)   Stone, gravel limestone screenings or other approved material shall be used as a leveling course;
   (G)   Compacted fill under aprons and the public sidewalk crossed by the driveway shall be:
      (1)   Four inches for residential; and
      (2)   Six inches under commercial driveways.
   (H)   Subgrade or base shall be dampened if dry before pouring;
   (I)   Control joints shall be to a depth of one-fourth the thickness of the slab and shall not exceed ten feet apart;
   (J)   One-half-inch expansion joints required every 30 feet on driveways;
   (K)   Isolation joints required where concrete abuts any structure, paved street or sidewalk;
   (L)   Drop concrete, for 12 inches back from street pavement, to allow for snow plows; and
   (M)   Apply sealcoat as soon as possible - cold weather precautions shall prevail.
(Ord. 150-02, passed 9-16-2002)
§ 1336.99 PENALTY.
Editor’s note:
   See § 1440.99 for general Building and Housing Code penalty if no specific penalty is provided.