(A)   Definitions. The following words and terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them herein.
      “Person.” Any individual, partnership, organization, association, agency firm, estate, or corporation and any other legal or commercial entity.
      “Responsible adult.” An individual 18 years or older who is not under the influence of drugs or alcohol or suffering from any other disability which would impair his or her ability to properly supervise a fire.
      “Unattended.” As used under this section, shall mean the neglect of any outdoor fire by a lack of supervision, abandonment by a responsible party, or failure to use reasonable and proper fire management precautions. Any failure to completely and fully extinguish all flames, embers, coals, sparks, or hot spots such that they cannot reignite shall be considered neglect and be unattended as defined herein.
      “Uncontrolled.” As used under this section, shall mean any outdoor fire that is out of control, which is not burning within the confines of cleared firebreaks, or that cannot be suppressed or extinguished with the resources or ordinary tools commonly available to the responsible adult. The uncontrolled status of an outdoor fire may result from any intentional, negligent or accidental circumstance.
   (B)   Compliance with Ohio Fire Code. No person shall ignite, cause to be ignited, permit to be ignited or maintain any open fires except as permitted by regulations promulgated by the Ohio Fire Code, or any other sections of this Code.
      (1)   No fire shall be allowed to burn unattended without a responsible adult being present at all times and without readily-available fire-extinguishing apparatus.
      (2)   No person shall ignite, cause to be ignited, permit to be ignited or maintain any open fire, nor shall any person authorize others to do so on land owned or controlled by him or her, in such a manner as to allow such fire to burn out of control so as to require response of fire apparatus and/or personnel.
      (3)   No person shall release to the atmosphere any object that is on fire and not in the control of any responsible adult. This ban is specifically to include novelty “hot air devices” commonly known as “Wish Lanterns”, “Chinese Lanterns”, “Kong Ming Lanterns”, “Sky Lanterns”, or any other similar devise which is set on fire and released to the atmosphere, allowing the burning object to drift uncontrollably.
(Ord. 108-11, passed 9-6-2011)