§ 1342.08 BOND REQUIRED.
   (A)   No permit to construct any building referred to in § 1342.02 shall be issued until the applicant therefor has posted with the Director of Finance a cash bond as follows:
Gallons Per Day (of Plant)
1,000 to 5,000
5,001 to 20,000
20,001 or more
   (B)   This bond shall remain on deposit with the city until the wastewater treatment plant has been discontinued and the sewerage system serviced by such plant has been attached to the sanitary sewerage system of the city.
   (C)   The applicant, in posting this bond, authorizes the inspector, in the event that proper maintenance or repairs are not performed within ten days, after notice as specified in § 1342.07, to notify the maintenance firm, authorize maintenance or repairs and pay the cost of maintenance or repairs out of the cash bond on deposit.
   (D)   When the wastewater treatment plant is discontinued and connection made to the sanitary sewerage system of the city, any undistributed cash from the cash bond shall be returned to the owner.
(Ord. 45-79, passed 5-7-1979)