(A)   Establishment.
      (1)   There is hereby established an Advisory Board to be known as the Human Services Advisory Board, which Board shall consist of one member of Council, to be appointed by Council for a period of time in conformance with the rules of Council, and six electors of the municipality, not holding other municipal office or appointment, who shall be appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by a majority of Council, for the following terms:
         (a)   Two for terms of one year;
         (b)   Two for terms of two years; and
         (c)   Two for terms of three years.
      (2)   As each of the citizen member terms expires, subsequent appointments to the Board shall be for terms of three years. Any vacancy shall be filled in the same manner for the unexpired term.
   (B)   Powers and Duties. The Board shall meet and organize and thereafter shall meet at least once per calendar quarter for the purpose of advising and assisting the Director of the Human Services Department in the establishment of policies and procedures with respect to prospective programs or activities deemed necessary to carry out the purposes of the office. The Board shall also confer with the Mayor and Council relative to the establishment of programs designed to meet the human needs of the residents of the city.
   (C)   Rules and Regulations. The Board shall adopt rules and regulations with respect to conducting meetings, which rules and regulations shall be consistent with the purpose and intent of the powers and duties set forth in this section.
   (D)   Reports. The Board shall file a written annual report with the administration and Council not later than the first regular meeting of Council in February of each year, setting forth such details of its activities for the previous year as Council and the Mayor may require.
(Ord. 33-86, passed 5-5-1986; Ord. 81-92, passed 8-17-1992; Ord. 15-93, passed 2-1-1993; Ord. 28-94, passed 3-7-1994; Ord. 04-2022, passed 2-7-2022)
Editor’s note:
   Ordinance 28-94, passed March 7, 1994, changed the title of the “Senior Citizens and Community Services Advisory Board” to the “Human Services Advisory Board”.