There shall be adequate provision for ingress and egress to all parking areas. No access drives or curb cuts for driveway aisles shall be located closer than 75 feet from the right-of-way line of an intersection. In addition, where the lot or parking spaces do not provide direct access to a public street or alley, an access drive shall be provided, with a dedicated easement of access, as follows:
   (A)   For single-, two- or three-family residential dwellings, the access drive shall be a minimum of nine feet in width.
   (B)   For all other residential uses and all other uses, except for those in the Class E District, the access drive shall be a minimum of 18 feet in width.
   (C)   All parking spaces, except those required for single-, two- or three-family dwellings, shall have access to a public street or alley in such a manner that any vehicle leaving or entering the parking area from or into a public street or alley shall be traveling in a forward motion.
(Ord. 88-187, passed 2-27-1989)