(A)   The purpose of the establishment of the Town Center Special Planning District Zone A and Zone B is to provide a master plan as a vision for future development within the city’s central business district through the use of development guidelines, standards and regulations. To allow development of a mix of assembly, mercantile, office, service, public, residential and related uses, as well as major public open spaces that together will function as a focal point and gathering center for the entire community. Key objectives are to retain a sense of place, to have more human-scale and pedestrian-oriented environment, avoid strip development along arterials; focus commercial activity into discrete nodes, and to increase connectivity. It is desirable to have places that encourage informal, casual interactions and meetings. These spaces are found in the public realm, such as sidewalks, paths, and within open spaces or in parks as well as a variety of shopping areas. The developer shall use these objectives to create a flexible and innovative site design for a Traditional Town Center.
   (B)   Guiding principles for future development include:
      (1)   Emphasize Royalton and Broadview Roads as the major east/west and north/south transportation corridors for the Town Center and establish the Broadview and Royalton Roads intersection as a major focal point for the District.
      (2)   Develop focal points at the end of the proposed Town Center Loop Roads to visually anchor the street and reinforce the desired quality and character that will allow it to be successful as a dynamic retail and commercial district. This can be accomplished through the use of decorative paving, landscaping or other architectural elements.
      (3)   Design internal circulation to encourage pedestrian interaction and activity by providing wide sidewalks, numerous small gathering places, and interesting landscape and hardscape.
      (4)   Establish gateways (or an appropriate Town Center entry experience/identity) at the boundaries of the Town Center District. Create an SPD district identity through the use of consistent signage, street graphics, lighting, and landscaping.
      (5)   Develop opportunities for a variety of multi-family residential housing types, primarily focused on market rate, for sale product.
      (6)   Improve intersection appeal and pedestrian safety by establishing distinctive crosswalks and by making the major access points emphasize the Town Center identity.
      (7)   Provide extensive parking area landscaping and visual screening of vehicles from the major transportation corridors.
      (8)   Take advantage of natural site features such as stream corridors and wetlands and provide integrated pedestrian gathering places and nature walks as appropriate.
      (9)   Encourage sidewalk activity by developing outdoor seating, cafes and other retail displays that are visible and accessible from the public streets.
      (10)   Incorporate appropriate and attractive pedestrian amenities into all major pedestrian areas. These amenities should include coordinated street furniture, trash and recycling containers, bus shelters, paving, landscaping and lighting.
(Ord. 194-12, passed 1-22-2013)