Local Retail, General Commercial, Shopping Center, Office Space Districts, and Corridor Conversion Districts, and their regulations are established herein in order to achieve, among others, the following purposes.
(A) The purpose of such Districts is to provide, in appropriate and convenient locations, zoning districts of sufficient size for the exchange of goods and services and other business activities.
(B) The purpose of the C-1 Local Retail Commercial District is to provide for the need to have convenience goods in close proximity to residential neighborhoods. Typically, the permitted uses allowed in such District tend to meet the daily needs of the residents of the adjacent neighborhoods without generating large volumes of traffic.
(C) The purpose of the C-2 General Commercial District is to provide for the need to allow certain commercial uses which either generate relatively high traffic volumes, which require large land areas and/or which may not be permitted elsewhere, in centrally-located areas of the city along major arterial highways, provided they do not interfere with or detract from the city’s residential neighborhoods. Typically, the permitted uses in this District would draw people from a relatively large geographic area and thus would serve a regional rather than just a local market.
(D) The purpose of the C-3 Office Space District is to provide areas within the city devoted exclusively to professional services, banking and other similar financial services, and the management of commercial, industrial, public and semipublic institutions.
(E) The purpose of the C-6 District is to provide areas within the city for similar uses and requirements as those listed in the C-3 District, with the exception of special area and architectural design stipulations identified in this chapter.
(Ord. 88-137, passed 9-6-1988; Ord. 195-12, passed 1-22-2013)