(A)   For a single-family or two-family dwelling, each lot shall have a front yard not less in depth than 50 feet, measured at right angles from the street (property) lot line to the nearest foundation wall, or as shown on the subdivision plat. A single-family or two-family dwelling on a secondary street shall have a front yard depth that shall not exceed 60 feet unless granted a conditional permit by the Planning Commission. There shall be no fee charged to an applicant for this request. However, the front yard setback building line may be in line with the average of the setback building lines of the dwellings between intersecting streets if at least 75% of the sublots between intersecting streets have had dwellings erected.
   (B)   No single side yard shall be less than ten feet, measured from the side lot line to the main foundation wall. Each lot shall have a rear yard of not less than 60 feet at all points between the rear building line and the rear lot line.
   (C)   No detached garage shall be located nearer than ten feet to the side lot line or nearer than five feet to the rear lot line. In the case of a corner lot, where the rear lot line is also the side lot line of the adjoining residential lot, a detached garage shall not be located nearer than ten feet to such rear lot line and shall not be located nearer to the street (property) lot line than the setback building line of the main dwelling.
   (D)   No detached garage shall be located nearer to the main dwelling than 25 feet, provided that where there has been established a uniform location at the time of the adoption of this Zoning Code, it shall conform to such uniform location.
   (E)   Driveways and turnarounds shall be a minimum of three feet from the property line. All new driveways and turnarounds shall require a permit.
   (F)   No swimming pool or swimming pool deck shall be located, constructed or placed at any side yard of a corner lot that abuts the street or closer than ten feet to any side or rear property line of any parcel. In no case shall a pool be located, constructed or placed in any front yard.
(Ord. 220-98, passed 3-15-1999; Ord. 163-99, passed 9-7-1999)