§ 830.02 GARAGE SALES.
   (A)   Garage Sales Permitted. The sale of property from a garage and/or area immediately adjacent thereto in a residential district by the owner of the premises, upon which the property is sold, shall be permitted.
   (B)   Permit Required; Fee. No property or premises in the city shall be used for the purpose of conducting a garage sale, estate sale, driveway sale and similar sale thereon unless the owner or occupant of such property or premises first obtains a permit therefor from the Building Department. Such permit shall be known as a garage sale permit. The permit fee for each event will be waived but a permit is still required.
   (C)   Scope of Permit; Period of Sale.
      (1)   The permit shall authorize the purchaser (purchaser being an individual or group) thereof to conduct a garage sale on the subject premises for not more than three consecutive days, and the three consecutive days shall be specified on the permit.
      (2)   The garage sale shall be held only between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
      (3)   Only two signs per garage sale shall be permitted and shall be two feet inside the property line.
      (4)   Permit shall be displayed in a visible place.
   (D)   Prohibitions.
      (1)   Sales shall be prohibited on Sunday, except for Sundays between June 1 through September 30, but only between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
      (2)   Sales shall be limited to the area of the garage and driveway and shall not be in excess of 20 feet beyond and front setback line and solely on the driveway.
      (3)   Items sold at such sales shall consist of used household merchandise, fixtures, appliances and personal items.
      (4)   No person shall conduct or act as a sponsor of a garage sale more than two times in a calendar year. Furthermore, no more than two garage sales can be held per calendar year by any one location.
      (5)   Maximum sign area shall not be larger than three square feet per side.
      (6)   Signs and notices shall not be on the public rights-of-way.
      (7)   Any such sign or signs shall be removed immediately upon expiration of the permit.
   (E)   Penalty. Whoever violates or fails to comply with any of the provisions of this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor and shall be fined not more than $100 for each offense. A separate offense shall be deemed committed each day during or on which a violation or noncompliance occurs or continues.
(Ord. 4-92, passed 1-6-1992; Ord. 117-04, passed 10-4-2004; Ord. 15-2020, passed 3-23-2020; Ord. 26-2023, passed 12-18-2023)