§ 153.124 PERMITS.
   (A)   Permits required. No construction, enlargement, alteration, installation or removal of any buildings, mobile homes, patios, awnings, screen rooms, blocking and anchoring devices, buildings or like structures or structural repairs or hookups of, or modifications to existing electrical or plumbing equipment shall be begun within the jurisdiction of the town, until the applicable building or mobile home permit for such project has first been obtained, if a permit is required. When determining whether or not a building permit is required, refer to the Florida Building Code, or the Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards, promulgated by the Department of Housing and Urban Development pursuant to the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act, or the FLHSMV's Mobile/Manufactured Home Repair and Remodeling Guidelines' Policy Section as applicable, or consult directly with the town Building Official or the Mobile Home Inspector. See also § 153.125, Standards, below.
   (B)   Approval of plan prerequisite to issuance. No building or mobile home permit shall be issued under this subchapter except when plans sufficient to show intended compliance with this section shall have been submitted and approved by the Building Official or Mobile Home Inspector, as applicable.
   (C)   Issuance of certificate of occupancy upon compliance. A certificate of occupancy shall be issued by the Building Official or the Mobile Home Inspector, as applicable, and is required in advance of occupancy or use of any lot, building, mobile home or other structure for which a building or mobile home permit has been issued and the project completed in compliance with this subchapter.
   (D)   Fees. The town shall charge a fee for the issuance of building or mobile home permits and other related activity. The Town Council shall, by resolution, set the amount of all building or mobile home permit fees. The Town Council shall adopt the schedule of fees that shall apply for the issuance of building or mobile home permits and other related activity by resolution, which may be amended from time to time. The resolution shall state the fees payable for each type of activity for instances where only one field inspection is required and when multiple field inspections or extra services are required by the town Building Official or the Mobile Home Inspector, as applicable. The fee schedules adopted by the town shall provide for situations when a building or mobile home inspection service is performed or a building or mobile home permit is issued for any activity that is not specifically addressed in the town’s fee schedule. All fees shall be non-refundable and shall be due and payable and collected by the town prior to issuance of a permit. Whenever during the course of work, a re-inspection is required for a permitted project, further work on the project shall be suspended until the town receives payment of the re-inspection fee which shall be done prior to the re-inspection being performed.
   (E)   Penalties.
      (1)   The building or mobile home interior permit fine for any owner or their authorized agent who begins construction within the town prior to obtaining the applicable building or mobile home interior permit or permits shall be set by resolution of the Town Council.
      (2)   Any person who commences any work on a building, structure, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system or other system governed by the Florida Building Code or Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards, promulgated by the Department of Housing and Urban Development pursuant to the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act, the Mobile/Manufactured Home Repair and Remodeling Code (F.A.C. § 15-C-2.0081) and the Florida Department of Highways Safety and Motor Vehicles Mobile/Manufactured Home Repair and Remodeling Guidelines, as appropriate, prior to obtaining the necessary permit(s) from the town Building Official or Mobile Home Inspector, shall be subject to a penalty fee in the amount set by resolution of the Town Council. Once the required permits are issued, subsequent inspection fees will be charged at the standard rate.
(Ord. 1-90, passed 1-31-1991; Ord. 4-03, passed 11-26-2003; Ord. 2-2009, passed 12-17-2009; Ord. 1-2012, passed 3-22-2012; Res. 2013-8, passed 9-26-2013; Res. 2015-4, passed 6-25-2015; Ord. 4-2017, passed 1-25-2018; Res. 2018-4, passed 2-22-2018; Res. 2018-09, passed 5-24-2018; Res. 2018-17, passed - -; Ord. 01-2020, passed 5-28-2020)