(A)   General purpose. It is the purpose and intent of this subchapter to promote and safeguard the public health, safety, comfort and welfare and to ensure that lands within the town are developed in an orderly progressive and harmonious manner.
   (B)   Intent. It is the intent of this subchapter to accomplish the following:
      (1)   Establish minimum design standards for subdivisions and land development;
      (2)   Encourage that land be developed with due regard to the preservation and/or promotion of its natural beauty;
      (3)   Ensure that land development promotes the safe and unimpeded flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic;
      (4)   Ensure the development of adequate educational, recreational and community service facilities;
      (5)   Ensure, through review of plans, on-site inspection and engineer certification, that required improvements meet minimum town standards;
      (6)   Set forth basic criteria and procedures to ensure that these regulations are enforced;
      (7)   Promote the efficient use of utilities and public facilities; and
      (8)   Ensure that land be developed with proper drainage facilities.
(Ord. 1-90, passed 1-31-1991)