§ 132.03 GAMBLING.
   Whoever shall play at any game of chance for money or other thing of value; or set up or keep any gambling devices, implements, apparatus or paraphernalia by, upon or with which any game of chance for money or other thing of value shall be played; or whoever shall keep a place for or allow consent or submit to a place under his or her custody or control, being used for the purpose of gambling; or whosoever shall lease to another a house, booth, room, shed or other structure or enclosure in which gambling shall be carried on by or with the consent or knowledge of the lessor, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. The Town Marshal or other officer making the arrest shall seize all gambling implements, apparatus, paraphernalia or other evidence to be found at the place of gambling, and if it be proved that gambling has been carried on by means of such implements, apparatus, paraphernalia or any of them, the Chief of Police shall destroy them. In any prosecution under this section, evidence of the general reputation of a house, room or other place, that such house, room or other place is a gambling house, gambling room or a place kept for gambling, shall be sufficient to establish a prima facie case against the defendant.
(1977 Code, § 12-39) (Ord. 1-63, passed 5-1-1963) Penalty, see § 10.99
Statutory reference:
   Gambling, see F.S. Ch. 849